Jack of all trades, master of none


That used to be a very unflattering phrase. It describes someone who had knowledge of many subjects, but wasn’t considered an “expert” in anything.


In today’s world of multidisciplinary occupations, I actually think it’s a compliment.


You have to be multifaceted in your professional approach. You must have knowledge over every aspect of your business.


When I talk to clients, I want to be the source of their answers. The client may need help with anything, including sales, design, marketing, social media, or information technology.


The point is, you want to be there for your client to help with as much as possible. It will help to build trust and legitimize yourself as a success in your field(s). This will lead to more immediate work from your client, and referrals down the road.


I don’t mind being called a “jack of all trades”, because that is how I will help your business find success.

All works © Eric Budzinski 2014.  Please do not reproduce without the expressed written consent of Eric Budzinski.